Redefining identity in a shared humanity
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I define myself,
But others can also define me.
No one is an individual without the input of their environment
And the humans that comprise it.
We are all a product of our environments, our families, our genetics, and our communities.
However, we can also define how these factors impact the trajectories of our lives.
We were meant to have our own agency,
To exert our ability to be free to be ourselves.
And to provide for ourselves exactly what is necessary for our individuality to thrive for the sake of the collective.
Identity is the quintessential combination of the individual and collective.
On the individual, identity is given a distinct flavor as it is also influenced by all of the other identities and qualities and traits that influence the individual.
As a result, this provides every single identity with a diversity of thought, experiences, and that of others that inherently strengthen the communities that identities create.
This is the power of identity.
Identity allows us to express ourselves,
And become a part of communities,
And allows us to further exert the intrinsic value of their inherent humanity.
As it stands, no identity is superior,
And no identity can excuse malevolence,
Identity is simply neutral,
And the fight to keep identities alive is a matter of survival for communities.
Identity is something that every human experiences.
Whether identity is based on gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity or religion is irrelevant.
These human experiences are, inherently, valuable as the individual humanities of members of these communities are inherently meaningful and intrinsically valuable.
Thus, I choose to redefine my identity to give others the permission to do the same for themselves.
To set an example that our individuality does not coincide with our communities.
Diversity strengthens us by allowing us to fully embrace what is intrinsically natural to our humanity
Rather than demanding that we comply with the wishes of ruling elites who want nothing more but to extract our true wealth, knowledge, and freedoms for their bottom line.
Individuality and community are complements,
Not enemies.
And this is why identity is powerful,
As it helps us define ourselves and our communities.
We are each a special, unique, and one-of-a-kind flavor of our identities.
Yet, we are also a part of our various communities.
We must treasure and honor this reality by allowing ourselves to live as freely as possible,
Defy the consequences,
And deny those who demand conformity the ability to exert influence over our actions.
Only this way can we realistically bring about the necessary changes to this world.
To make it better.
To make it stronger.
And to preserve it for future generations.
Go to fornesus at WordPress for Version 1 and fornesus at Medium for Version 2.